

1. 情報の取得及び利用


  • 金融商品取引法(昭和23年4月13日法律第25号)その他法律により当社が営むことのできる業務及びこれらに付随する業務を行うため
  • 当社又は関連会社の金融商品等の勧誘・販売、サービスの案内を行なうため
  • 適合性の原則に照らした商品、サービスの提供の妥当性を判断するため
  • お客様ご本人であること又はご本人の代理であることを確認するため
  • お客様に運用状況、資産残高等の報告を行うため
  • お客様との間の信用リスクその他のリスク査定や、新規・既存取引の管理等の当社内部の業務を推進するため
  • お客様との契約や法律等に基づく権利の行使や義務の履行のため
  • お客様に対し、取引結果、預り残高、時価評価等の報告を行なうため
  • お客様との取引に関する事務を行なうため
  • 市場調査、ならびにデータ分析やアンケートの実施等による金融商品やサービスの研究や開発のため
  • 他の事業者等から個人情報の処理の全部または一部について委託された場合等において、委託された当該事務を適切に行なうため
  • 市場レポート、時候のご挨拶状の送付、各種セミナー、レセプション等のご案内
  • その他お客様との取引を適切かつ円滑に履行するため
  • 上記の各目的の遂行に必要な範囲で、外部委託、第三者提供及び共同利用するため

(2) 当社は、法令の定める範囲内で、前項の利用目的を変更することがあります。この場合、当社は、変更された利用目的を速やかに本人に通知し又は公表いたします。

(3) 当社は、利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内において、お客様の個人情報を正確かつ最新の内容に保つとともに、利用する必要がなくなったときは、個人データを遅滞なく消去するよう努めます。

2. 取得する情報の種類

当社は、以下の情報を取得いたします。 お客様の氏名、年齢、生年月日、住所、電話番号、ファクシミリ番号、電子メールアドレス、勤務先名、役職名、勤務先所在地、金融商品・サービスの種類、取引金額、ご契約日、その他当社のお取引に必要又は関連する情報

3. 情報の取得方法


  • お客様にご記入・ご提出いただく書類等により直接提供される場合(ご本人からの申込書等の書面提出、ご本人からのWeb等の画面へのデータ入力等)
  • 共同利用者や個人信用情報機関等の第三者から、個人情報が提供される場合

4. 情報の提供

(1) 当社では、次の場合及びその他法令で定める場合を除いてお客様の個人情報を第三者に提供することはありません。

  • お客様が同意されている場合
  • 法令に基づく場合
  • 人の生命、身体又は財産(法人の財産を含む。)といった具体的な権利利益が侵害されるおそれがあり、これの保護のために必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき。
  • 公衆衛生の向上又は児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき。
  • 国の機関若しくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき。
  • 利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内においてお客様の個人情報の取り扱いの全部又は一部を委託する場合
  • 合併その他の事由による事業の承継に伴ってお客様の個人情報が提供される場合
  • お客様の個人情報を以下(3)に基づいて共同利用する場合

(2) 当社は、利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内においてお客様の個人情報の取扱いの全部又は一部を委託する場合があります。委託に際しては、委託先に対する必要かつ適切な監督を行います。

(3) 当社は、以下の範囲でお客様の個人情報を共同利用することがあります。

  • 共同して利用される個人データの項目:


  • 共同して利用する者の範囲:

当社及びグループ会社(ソシエテ・ジェネラル銀行東京支店ソシエテ・ジェネラル証券株式会社ソシエテジェネラルエアクラフトリーシング株式会社、Societe Generale、SG Singapore、Societe Generale Global Solution centre、Societe Generale Securities (HK) Limited、Societe Generale International Limited、Societe Generale Americas Securities, LLC、その他ソシエテ・ジェネラル グループのホームページで閲覧可能な国内及び海外のグループ関係会社)

  • 利用する者の利用目的:上記1「情報の取得及び利用」(1)に記載の範囲
  • 個人データの管理について責任を有する者の名称:ソシエテ・ジェネラル・オスマン・マネジメント株式会社
  • 住所:東京都千代田区丸の内1-1-1
  • 代表者の氏名:代表取締役社長 ロジャー・ステファン・サージ・クラウド

(4) 当社は、お客様の個人情報を外国にある第三者に提供することがあります。この場合、当社は、法令で定める場合を除き、法令の定めに従って必要な情報を提供した上であらかじめ外国にある第三者への提供を認める旨の本人の同意を取得いたします。なお、当社は、お客様の同意を得る時点で、当該外国の名称、適切かつ合理的な方法により得られた当該外国における個人情報の保護に関する制度に関する情報、又は当該第三者が講ずる個人情報の保護のための措置に関する情報が特定できず、事後的に提供先の第三者を特定できた場合には、当該お客様はかかる情報提供の求めを当社に対して行うことができます。











5. 機微(センシティブ)情報の取扱い


6. 情報の管理方法





  • お客様の個人情報の取扱いに関する責任者を設置するとともに、個人データを取り扱う従業者及び当該従業者が取り扱う個人データの範囲を明確化し、法や取扱規程に違反している事実又は兆候を把握した場合の責任者への報告連絡体制を整備
  • お客様の個人情報の取扱状況について、定期的に自己点検を実施するとともに、他部署や外部の者による監査を実施


  • お客様の個人情報の取扱いに関する留意事項について、従業者に定期的な研修を実施
  • お客様の個人情報についての秘密保持に関する事項を就業規則に記載


  • お客様の個人情報を取り扱う区域において、従業者の入退室管理及び持ち込む機器等の制限を行うとともに、権限を有しない者によるお客様の個人情報の閲覧を防止する措置を実施
  • お客様の個人情報を取り扱う機器、電子媒体及び書類等の盗難又は紛失等を防止するための措置を講じるとともに、事業所内の移動を含め、当該機器、電子媒体等を持ち運ぶ場合、容易に個人情報が判明しないよう措置を実施


  • アクセス制御を実施して、担当者及び取り扱う個人情報データベース等の範囲を限定
  • お客様の個人情報を取り扱う情報システムを外部からの不正アクセス又は不正ソフトウェアから保護する仕組みを導入


  • 外国でお客様の個人情報を取り扱う場合において、当該外国における個人情報の保護に関する制度等を把握した上で安全管理措置を実施

7. お客様からの開示等、中止のご請求


8. お客様からのご相談及び苦情窓口




プライバシーポリシー問い合わせ先: コンプライアンス本部

〒100-8206 東京都千代田区丸の内1丁目1番1号 パレスビル

TEL: 03-6777-8838

受付時間 9:00〜17:00 (土日祝日、年末年始の休業日を除く)

9. 変更


10. 認定個人情報保護団体


一般社団法人 投資信託協会 

TEL 03-5614-8440 www.toushin.or.jp

一般社団法人 日本投資顧問業協会事務局 苦情相談室(個人情報担当)

TEL 03-3663-0505 www.jiaa.or.jp/privacy/authorization


Effective August 2022
   Societe Generale Haussmann Management Japan Limited

Societe Generale Haussmann Management Japan Limited (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") recognizes the importance of protecting personal information in order to be a company that customers can trust and choose, and when handling customers' personal information, the Company shall comply with the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information Protection Law"), Guidelines for the Protection of Personal Information in the Financial Field and other related laws and regulations (hereinafter referred to as "Laws and Regulations"). In addition, the Company also shall implement and comply with the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "this policy"). With regards to individual numbers and specific personal information (respectively, these are defined in the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures), the Company will separately establish and comply with the "Rules for Specified Personal Information Handling".

1. Acquisition and Use of Information

(1) The Company shall acquire personal information of the Customers in order to proceed with transactions with customers in a safe and secure manner, and to ensure that the Customers are provided with better financial products and services by the Company. Specifically, the Company shall use it within the scope of the following purposes of use:

  • For conducting business and incidental operations that the Company can operate related to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (Act No. 25 of April 13, 1948) and other laws,
  • For conducting solicitation and sales and provision of services in relation with financial products and other products of the Company and its affiliates,
  • For assessing the suitability of providing products and services,
  • For the verification of the identification of the Customers or their proxy,
  • For reporting to the Customers of the investment management status, the asset balances, etc.,
  • For promotion of the Company’s internal operations, such as evaluation of the credit risk and other types of risk relating to the Customers and the Company’s management of new or existing transactions with the Customers,
  • For the exercise of rights and fulfilment of obligations under the laws, regulations and contracts,
  • For reporting to the Customers of the transaction results, the account balances, and the market valuations, etc.,
  • For conducting the administration process for transactions with the Customers,
  • For research and development of financial products and services through conducting the market research surveys, and data analysis and questionnaires,
  • For conducting outsourced operations appropriately, in case all or part of the processing of Personal Information has been outsourced to the Company by other entities,
  • For sending market reports, seasonal greetings, and information related to various seminars and receptions, etc.,
  • For any other purposes to conduct proper and smooth transactions with the Customers, and
  • For the purpose of outsourcing and providing to third party and joint usage of Personal Information, to the extent necessary to achieve above-mentioned purposes.

(2) The Company may change the purpose of use set forth in the preceding paragraph within the scope stipulated by laws and regulations. In this case, the Company will promptly notify or announce the changed purpose of use to the person.

(3) The Company shall endeavor to keep the personal information of customers accurate and up-to-date to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use, and to delete the personal data without delay when it is no longer necessary to use it.

2. Types of Personal Information to be acquired

The Company shall acquire the following information: Customer's name, age, date of birth, address, telephone number, facsimile number, e-mail address, company name, job title, place of employment, type of financial product or service, transaction amount, contract date, and other information necessary or related to transactions with the Company

3. Method for acquiring Personal Information

The Company shall acquire customers' personal information by appropriate and lawful means, such as orally or in writing, from the following sources, to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use:

  • When personal information is provided directly by documents filled in and submitted by the customer (submission of documents such as application forms from the person himself/herself, data input to screens such as the web etc. from the person himself/herself, etc.) ,
  • When personal information is provided by a third party such as joint users or personal credit information agencies.

4. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

(1) The Company shall not provide customers' personal information to third parties except in the following cases and other cases stipulated by laws and regulations:

  • When the customer has consented,
  • When required by law,
  • When there is a risk that specific rights and interests such as life, body or property of a person (including the property of a corporation) are infringed, and it is necessary for the protection of such rights, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person,
  • When it is particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or promotion of sound child development and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person,
  • When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or a person or organization entrusted by either of the foregoing in executing affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the person is likely to impede the execution of such affairs
  • When entrusting all or part of the handling of customers' personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use,
  • When customers' personal information is provided as a result of business succession due to merger or other reasons, and
  • When the Company jointly uses personal information of customers in accordance with the following (3).

(2) The Company shall outsource all or part of the handling of customers' personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use. When consigning, we shall conduct necessary and appropriate supervision of the outsourcee.

(3) The Company may jointly use customers' personal information within the following scope.

  • Items of personal data to be shared::

(i) customers’ address, name, date of birth, place of employment, telephone number and other contact information, role, title, title, responsibility, (ii) Information related to customers’ transactions, such as transaction details and deposited balances, (iii) information on customers’ asset management needs, etc., and (iv) other personal information necessary to carry out the purposes of use described in this Policy

  • Scope of joint users:

The Company and group companies(Societe Generale Bank Tokyo Branch,Societe Generale Securities Japan Limited,Societe Generale Aircraft Leasing Co., Ltd, Societe Generale, SG Singapore, Societe Generale Global Solution centre, Societe Generale Securities (HK) Limited, Societe Generale International Limited, Societe Generale Americas Securities, LLC and other domestic and international group affiliates available on the Societe Generale Group website ). 

  • Purpose of use by the user: Scope described in (1) of "Acquisition and use of information" 1 above
  • Name of party responsible for the management of personal data: Societe Generale Haussmann Management Japan Limited
  • Address: 1-1-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
  • Name of Representative: Representative Director, Roger Stephane Serge Claude

(4) The Company shall provide your personal information to third parties in foreign countries. In this case, the Company shall obtain the consent of the person in advance to allow the provision of personal information to a third party in a foreign country after providing the necessary information in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, except as required by law.

In addition, if the Company cannot identify (i) the name of the foreign country, (ii) information on the system for the protection of personal information in the foreign country which is obtained by an appropriate and reasonable method, or (iii) information on the measures taken by the third party for the protection of personal information at the time of obtaining the consent of the customer, and then if the Company can identify third party to which the information is provided, etc. after the fact, the Customer may request the Company to provide such information.

(5) The Company shall provide the Customers’ personal information to offshore third parties who have established a system that complies with the standards set forth in the Rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission as necessary to continuously take measures equivalent to those that are required to be taken by a business operator handling personal information pursuant to the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as "reasonable measures"). In this case, the Company shall take the necessary measures to ensure the continuous implementation of the corresponding measures by such third party, and the Customer may request the Company to provide information on such necessary measures.

However, with regard to any of the requests for the provision of information in (4) and (5), if there is a risk of significant hindrance to the proper implementation of the Company's business, the Company shall not provide all or part of the information.

The foreign countries to which we provide your personal information are as follows;




Hong Kong

United Kingdom

United States

(6) When the Company provides information related to personal information of the Customers to a third party, if it is expected that the third party will acquire the information related to personal information as personal data, except as required by law, the Company will confirm and provide information as necessary in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.

5. Handling of Sensitive Personal Information

The Company will not acquire, use, or provide to third parties sensitive personal information stipulated in the Guidelines for the Protection of Personal Information in the Financial Field, except in cases stipulated in the Guidelines, such as when required by laws and regulations or when the consent of the customer is obtained to the extent necessary for the performance of business.

6. Personal Information Management Method

The Company shall continuously take appropriate measures to ensure that the Customers’ personal information is accurate and up-to-date. The Company shall also take the appropriate security measures, such as countermeasures for leakage, loss, damage, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "leakage, etc.") of the Customers’ personal information. In order to prevent leakage, etc., we will take the following organizational safety management measures, human safety management measures, physical safety management measures, and technical safety management measures and conduct appropriate management. In addition, when handling customers' personal information in foreign countries, we will manage it appropriately after understanding the external environment.

(Establishment of rules regarding the handling of customers' personal information)

Formulation of rules for handling customers' personal information regarding handling methods, responsible persons, persons in charge, and their duties, etc. for each stage of acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion, disposal, etc. / acquisition, input, use, processing, storage, storage, transfer, transmission, erasure, etc.

(Organizational security control measures)

  • Appoint a person responsible for the handling of customers' personal information, clarify the employees who handle personal data and the scope of personal data handled by such employees, and establish a system for reporting and communicating to the person responsible in the event that a fact or sign of a violation of laws or handling regulations is detected.
  • Conduct regular self-inspections and audits by other departments and external parties.

(Human safety management measures)

  • Conduct regular training for employees on matters to note regarding the handling of customers’ personal information.
  • Describe matters concerning the confidentiality of customers' personal information in the Rules of Employment.

(Physical Security Control Measures)

  • In areas where customers' personal information is handled, we will control the entry and exit of employees and restrict the equipment they bring in, and implement measures to prevent unauthorized persons from viewing your personal information.
  • In addition to taking measures to prevent theft or loss, etc. of equipment, electronic media, documents, etc. that handle customers' personal information, we will implement measures to prevent personal information from being easily revealed when carrying such equipment, electronic media, etc., including moving within the office.

(Technical security control measures)

  • Implement access control, limit the scope of the person in charge and the personal information database, etc., handled.
  • Introduce a mechanism to protect the information system that handles your personal information from unauthorized external access or unauthorized software.

(Understanding the external environment)

  • When handling customers' personal information in a foreign country, we will implement security management measures based on understanding the systems for the protection of personal information in the foreign country.

7. Request for discontinuation of disclosure, etc. from customers

If the Customer wishes to request notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, erasure, suspension of provision of the Customer’s personal information to a third party, or disclosure of records of provision to a third party of the Customer’s personal information, please communicate with the following contact. After confirming the Customer’s identity, we will respond in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations. Please note that notification and disclosure of the purpose of use may incur actual costs prescribed by the Company.

8. Customer Consultation and Complaint Desk

Contact for the Customers’ Inquiries:

Requests for notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, erasure, suspension of provision to a third party, disclosure of records of provision to third parties, and other inquiries and complaints regarding the handling of personal information are accepted at the following.

Societe Generale Haussmann Management Japan Limited

Privacy Policy Contact:

Palace Building, 1-1-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8206, Compliance Division

TEL: 03-6777-8838

Reception hours 9:00〜17:00 (excluding weekends and holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays))

9. Changes

The above contents are subject to change to the extent stipulated by laws and regulations due to revisions of laws and regulations or other reasons. In that case, we will inform you through a bulletin board at the counter, etc., or through this website, etc.

10. Authorized Personal Information Protection Organization

The Company is a member of the Investment Trusts Association, Japan and the Japan Investment Advisers Association, which are authorized personal information protection organizations certified by the Personal Information Protection Commission. The Personal Information Consultation Office of each association accepts complaints and consultations regarding the handling of personal information by association members.

The Investment Trusts Association, Japan

TEL: 03-5614-8440 www.toushin.or.jp

Japan Investment Advisers Association Secretariat, Complaint Consultation Office (in charge of personal information)

TEL: 03-3663-0505  www.jiaa.or.jp/privacy/authorization